Greg Archuleta's Los Angeles Lakers Extended Profile

Who am I?

I'm just another one of those know-it-all Laker fans who is never satisfied with the team's performance unless it's the clinching game of a world championship.

Otherwise, I'm a voice of reason ... most of the time.

Home: Albuquerque, NM
My association with the Lakers. My folks moved to L.A. when I was a toddler during the Jerry West/Elgin Baylor/Wilt Chamberlain era. My dad hooked me on all L.A. teams but with basketball my favorite sport ...

I love all teams L.A. and New Mexico.


Hard rock music (I'll go down with the Van Halen ship, I'm a Van Halen groupie -- even if Eddie did forsake Michael Anthony), Into the Nadal-Federer feud, Like to karaoke when the wife will allow it. So far my kids do., Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm humor., Will watch golf when Tiger's playing


40-Year-Old Virgin; Anchorman; Old School -- Those are my laugh out loud movies., All-time favorite movie: Bill Murray's Stripes, Enjoy jaunts to Vegas, Favorite line: "She really is quite beautiful when the light hits her just right.. Of course, you can't depend on that light." -- Arthur


anything to do with Bjork or Enya, most country music, Soccer, the Doors

I would like to ...

Be the next lead singer for Van Halen (or Wolfgang's band once he breaks away from dad), do PR for a college or pro sports team, Write a book

Main Skills

being a husband/dad, Writing

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